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Evolution and Development of Neural Circuits

Book Series:  A Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Biology Collection
Subject Area(s):  Developmental BiologyNeurobiology

Edited by Laura C. Andreae, King's College London; Justus M. Kebschull,  Johns Hopkins University; Anthony M. Zador, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

Due May 2025 • 250 pages (approx.), illustrated, index
Hardcover • $79
ISBN  978-1-621824-84-8

  •     Description    
  •     Contents    


The organization of many neurons into complex circuits is critical for brain function. This volume explores how these circuits evolved, develop and function in the nervous system.


1. Neuronal Circuit Evolution: From Development to Structure and Adaptive Significance
Nikolaos Konstantinides and Claude Desplan
2. Cell Adhesion Molecule Signaling at the Synapse: Beyond the Scaffold
Ben Verpoort and Joris de Wit
3. Development of Prefrontal Circuits and Cognitive Abilities
Jastyn A. Pöpplau and Ileana L. Hanganu-Opatz
4. Development and Evolution of Thalamocortical Connectivity
Zoltán Molnár and Kenneth Y. Kwan
5. Variability in Neural Circuit Formation
Kevin J. Mitchell
6. Bringing Chandelier Cells Out of the Shadows: Exploring the Development of a Unique Neuron Type in the Brain
Clara Lenherr, Guilherme Neves, Marcio Guiomar de Oliveira, and Juan Burrone
6. Characterizing Large Scale Human Circuit Development with In Vivo Neuroimaging
Tomoki Arichi
7. Modeling Normal and Abnormal Circuit Development with Recurrent Neural Networks
Daniel Zavitz, ShiNung Ching, and Geoffrey Goodhill
8. TBD
Takao Hensch
10. Reimagining Cortical Connectivity by Deconstructing Its Molecular Logic into Building Blocks
Xiaoyin Chen
11. TBD
Arkarup Banerjee
12. Modeling the Emergence of Circuit Organization and Function During Development
Shreya Lakhera, Elizabeth Herbert, and Julijana Gjorgjieva
13. Mapping the Retina onto the Brain
Daniel Kerschensteiner and Marla B. Feller
14. Interneuron Diversity: How Form Becomes Function
Natalia V. De Marco García and Gord Fishell
15. Convergent Circuit Computation for Categorization in the Brains of Primates and Songbirds
Andreas Nieder