Derived from the acclaimed online WormAtlas,
C. elegans Atlas is a large-format, full-color atlas of the hermaphroditic form of the model organism
C. elegans, known affectionately as the worm by workers in the field. Prepared by the editors of the WormAtlas Consortium, David H. Hall and Zeynep F. Altun, this book combines explanatory text with copious, labeled, color illustrations and electron micrographs of the major body systems of
C. elegans. Also included are electron microscopy cross sections of the worm. This laboratory reference is essential for the working worm biologist, at the bench and at the microscope, and provides a superb companion to the
C. elegans II monograph. It is also a valuable tool for investigators in the fields of developmental biology, neurobiology, reproductive biology, gene expression, and molecular biology.
This book provides a lavishly illustrated survey of the anatomy of the nematode worm Caenorhabditis elegans. It will undoubtedly be useful and illuminating for the thousands of scientists who use C. elegans as their primary research organism, or to those contemplating a move into C. elegans research. It should also be of considerable value to anyone interested in biological structure at the cellular and subcellular levels, or in the representation of complex three-dimensional objects...
In these days when the death of print is so frequently predicted, this publication demonstrates the advantages of book over computer screen. Its format is helpful, with ring-bound landscape pages that lie flat and can be easily examined and discussed...The book is beautifully produced, a true labour of love, and maintains an extremely high level of accuracy.
Nature Cell Biology
The book will undoubtedly serve as a standard for graduate students and researchers working with C. elegans, as well as provide occasional use to biology students in general.
The strikingly invariant cell lineage of Caenorhabditis elegans leads to the essentially invariant anatomy described in [this] stunningly beautiful book...The images and description provided in it are a great resource for learning the anatomy of C. elegans, knowledge that is essential for a wide range of experiments...[A]ny serious student of nematodes would want to have this book on their laboratory coffee table. And, anyone who is reading one of the now 10,000 C. elegans papers, will likewise want access to this book.
With this gorgeous volume, the authors and publisher have provided the C. elegans community with a vital foundation for research into development, physiology, genetics, and behavior. But the book will appeal to a broader audience as well, just as the appeal of an exquisitely illustrated atlas extends well beyond geographers and geologists. I strongly recommend the concealed-wire bound version.
The Quarterly Review of Biology
C. elegans Atlas and WormAtlas provide an invaluable aid to the study of this important research subject and will make a vital contribution to future progress with this model system.
Genetics Research