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Wnt Signaling

Subject Area(s):  Developmental BiologyCell BiologyCancer Biology

Edited by Roel Nusse, Stanford University Medical Center; Xi He, Children's Hospital Boston; Renée van Amerongen, Stanford University Medical Center

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© 2013 • 454 pp., illus. (75 4C and 6 B&W), index
Hardcover • $135 94.50
ISBN  978-1-936113-23-1
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  •     Description    
  •     Contents    


Wnt proteins are signaling molecules that play critical roles during embryonic development and in the regeneration of adult tissues. They bind to Frizzled and LRP family receptors on the cell surface, triggering a series of events that cause Β-catenin to enter the nucleus and activate transcription factors that control cell fate and cell proliferation. Mutations in components of the Wnt pathway lead to developmental defects and are common in cancer.

Written and edited by experts in the field, this collection from Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Biology covers all aspects of canonical Wnt signaling, as well as β-catenin-independent Wnt signaling and cross-talk with other pathways. The contributors examine the numerous Wnt ligands; their production, secretion, and interactions with components of the extracellular environment; and details of the downstream signaling pathways that mediate the effects of Wnt proteins on cells. The roles of Wnt signaling in stem cell self-renewal, cell polarity, body-axis specification, wound healing, and other aspects of normal development and physiology are also covered.

This volume includes discussion of Wnt signaling in cancer, skeletal defects, neurological disorders, and other human disease states. Thus, it is an indispensable reference for cell and developmental biologists as well as those, especially in the fields of stem cell biology and regenerative medicine, who are interested in targeting the Wnt pathway for therapeutic purposes.


Three Decades of Wnts: A Personal Perspective on How a Scientific Field Developed
Roel Nusse and Harold Varmus
Wnt Proteins
Karl Willert and Roel Nusse
Secreted and Transmembrane Wnt Inhibitors and Activators
Cristina-Maria Cruciat and Christof Niehrs
Frizzled and LRP5/6 Receptors for Wnt/β-Catenin Signaling
Bryan T. MacDonald and Xi He
The β-Catenin Destruction Complex
Jennifer L. Stamos and William I. Weis
TCF/LEFs and Wnt Signaling in the Nucleus
Ken M. Cadigan and Marian L. Waterman
Alternative Wnt Pathways and Receptors
Renée van Amerongen
The Evolution of the Wnt Pathway
Thomas W. Holstein
Wnt/Wingless Signaling in Drosophila
Sharan Swarup and Esther M. Verheyen
β-Catenin-Dependent Wnt Signaling in C. elegans: Teaching an Old Dog a New Trick
Belinda M. Jackson and David M. Eisenmann
Wnt Signaling in Vertebrate Axis Specification
Hiroki Hikasa and Sergei Y. Sokol
Wnt Signaling in Mammalian Development: Lessons from Mouse Genetics
Jianbo Wang, Tanvi Sinha, and Anthony Wynshaw-Boris
Wnt Pathway Regulation of Embryonic Stem Cell Self-Renewal
Bradley J. Merrill
Wnt Signaling, Stem Cells, and Cancer of the Gastrointestinal Tract
Arnout Schepers and Hans Clevers
Wnt Signaling in Bone Development and Disease: Making Stronger Bone with Wnts
Jean B. Regard, Zhendong Zhong, Bart O. Williams, and Yingzi Yang
Wnt Signaling in the Vertebrate Central Nervous System: From Axon Guidance to Synaptic Function
Patricia C. Salinas
Wnt Signaling and Forebrain Development
Susan J. Harrison-Uy and Samuel J. Pleasure
Wnt Signaling in Normal and Malignant Hematopoiesis
William Lento, Kendra Congdon, Carlijn Voermans, Marcie Kritzik, and Tannishtha Reya
Wnt Signaling in Skin Development, Homeostasis, and Disease
Xinhong Lim and Roel Nusse
Wnt Signaling in Mammary Glands: Plastic Cell Fates and Combinatorial Signaling
Caroline M. Alexander, Shruti Goel, Saja A. Fakhraldeen, and Soyoung Kim
Wnt Signaling in Neuromuscular Junction Development
Kate Koles and Vivian Budnik
Wnt Signaling in Cancer
Paul Polakis
Wnt Signaling and Injury Repair
Jemima L. Whyte, Andrew A. Smith, and Jill A. Helms
Targeting Wnt Pathways in Disease
Zachary F. Zimmerman, Randall T. Moon, and Andy J. Chien